What’s on

What’s on in our Memorial Hall?

Sports & Exercise

Stretch and Tone is a small friendly exercise class for all ages and abilities. It is held every Tuesday evening at 6.15pm in the main hall. To find out more or join contact Carolyn on 07729 569109 or email carolyn414@btinternet.com

Yoga held in the main hall on Mondays 9.30 – 10.45am. To find out more or join contact Charlotte Allam on 07989 331270 or email callam21@hotmail.com

Badminton Club meets on Thursdays in the main hall. To find out more or to join contact Mavis Haggar on 01438 798611

Film Night 

Screen on the Green film nights are shown in the main hall in high definition with surround sound. It’s an opportunity to watch a film with friends and neighbours in a pleasant friendly environment. Sit at candlelit tables on comfortable chairs and enjoy your own drinks and snacks or we have ice cream, chocolate and soft drinks available to buy. Visit the Tewin Village website for more film night details.

For Babies and Pre-School Children

Sing & Sign classes are relaxed, great fun and a wonderful way to teach your baby how to communicate before speech. Booking is essential & free trial classes are available by appointment. For children up to 2 years. Held in the hall on Tuesday mornings 9.45am & 10.30am. Email: lynsey_elle@singandsign.co.uk or call on 07582 900 418 for more information.

Tewin Tots is a nursery at the Memorial Hall for children from 21 months to rising 3 years. For more info contact Tina Covill Co-owner on 07766 407317 or email tina@tewintotspreschool.co.uk

Tewin Under Fives is a preschool run from the scout hut next to the hall for children from 2yrs 9mths to 5 yrs. For more info contact Melissa Ford on 01438 716132 or email tewinunderfives@hotmail.com